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What are the unique features of wood plastic decking floor

What are the unique features of wood plastic decking floor

Plastic wood composite material production technology

China's plastic wood composite industry is a new industry across a number of fields, with high scientific and technological content and distinctive industrial characteristics, now in the field of new materials into a self-contained. Because it does not rely on non-renewable resources, but mainly made of recyclable raw materials, in recent years, the development rate of rapid growth, production technology has made great progress.

Co-extrusion technology begins to develop

Primary extrusion is still the mainstream molding processing method for plastic wood composite products, used to manufacture panels, profiles and pipes, etc.. In recent years, learning from foreign experience, on the basis of primary extrusion, the process of co-extrusion has been developed, and there are mainly two kinds of co-extruded products: one is to improve the exterior strength of the products, enhance wear resistance, UV resistance and other capabilities, co-extruding a layer of functional materials on the surface of plastic wood products, which is the surface co-extrusion technology of plastic wood profiles; the other is to strengthen the overall strength of plastic wood products, steel or aluminum profiles, bamboo panels, etc. as the core The other is to strengthen the overall strength of plastic wood products, using steel or aluminum profiles, bamboo panels, etc. as the core material, the exterior of the plastic wood composite material wrapped in a layer of co-extrusion.

Co-extruded plastic wood composite products not only improve the performance of WPC products, but also to expand the application and product types, to promote the diversification of plastic wood composite products. Plastic wood extrusion molding process technology has a new development, this technology is currently in the development stage in China, some companies have sold their products abroad, forming an important development direction of the plastic wood composite industry.

Microfoam technology continues to advance

Although plastic wood composites have many advantages, but the density is its biggest drawback, limiting its application. In order to reduce the density of plastic wood composites, while not reducing the physical and mechanical properties of the composite, the requirements of light weight and high strength of plastic wood composites.

In recent years, plastic wood micro-foaming technology also has greater development, especially the production of PE, PVC-based production enterprises, in order to adapt to product performance requirements, the need to develop new processing techniques, the introduction of foaming process technology to reduce material costs and expand the scope of use of plastic wood.

Plastic wood composite foam not only reduces density, but also improves some physical and mechanical properties, making it possible to be used as lightweight and strong components required by the automotive industry, sports equipment, packaging, insulation and thermal insulation materials for the construction industry, etc.

Forming process technology tends to be differentiated

The start of China's plastic wood composites are using extrusion molding process, after years of development formed a homogenization of products, resulting in fierce price competition, affecting the healthy development of the industry. In fact, plastic wood composites can be understood as modified plastics with biomass fibers as modifiers, so other plastic molding methods can be used, using different molding processes can create different types of products, such as injection molding process can produce a variety of three-dimensional shape products such as vehicle parts, toys and daily necessities. At present, some domestic enterprises have begun to plastic wood product differentiation direction.

Application of Surface Modification Technology

To improve the usability and surface aesthetics of plastic wood composite products, post-treatment of the surface of plastic wood products is also indispensable. At present, the surface post-treatment technology mainly includes: sanding belt sanding treatment, embossing treatment, water transfer and heat transfer printing, UV printing and solid wood veneer composite. These technologies have been successfully applied to the post-treatment of the surface of plastic wood composites, greatly improving their aesthetics and added value.